Sunday, October 20 from 2-4pm
Front steps of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria | 501 Belleville Street
Guest Speakers: Chief Moses Martin, Dr. John Borrows (Uvic Law) and Tzeporah Berman

October 20th 1984 – Front steps of the Victoria Legislature
October 20th is a historic date; 35 years ago—in 1984—Tla-o-qui-aht Peoples, accompanied by other Nuu-chah-nulth relatives, neighbouring communities and allies, appeared on the steps of the Victoria Legislature. Together, they stood and spoke for the protection of old-growth forests on Wah’nah’juss Hilth’hooiss (Meares Island). Earlier that year, Tla-o-qui-aht elected Chief Moses Martin—also elected chief today—publicly declared Wah’nah’juss Hilth’hooiss as a Tribal Park—the first declared tribal park on Turtle Island. (A tribal park is a manifestation of an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area/IPCA).
Along for the trip to the legislature came “Cedar Man,” a monumental carving (seen in image to the left), produced by Tla-o-qui-aht artist Joe David. “I simply set out to create something that would mark historically and aid the cause of preserving our homeland Meares Island, which was scheduled to be logged…” said David.
35 years later, the old-growth forests still stand on Wah’nah’juss Hilth’hooiss (Meares Island).
“This anniversary celebrates what was achieved 35 years ago while also encouraging and empowering youth to safeguard their lands for their future children and grandchildren,” stated Eli Enns, citizen of Tla-o-qui-aht Nation, national expert and practitioner in Indigenous-led conservation, and co-founder of the IISAAK OLAM Foundation.
JOIN US THIS SUNDAY FROM 2-4 PM at the Victoria Legislature as we mark the 35th anniversary of Wah’nah’juss Hilth’hooiss! Place your feet on the ground where Chief Moses Martin, Joe David and countless other supporters started a historic wave of Indigenous-led conservation on Turtle Island.
Featured speakers: Tla-o-qui-aht elected Chief Moses Martin, Dr John Borrows (Uvic Law) and Tzeporah Berman.
Know who you are, believe in yourself, and be bold for future generations!
Klecko klecko!